Getting The Right Industrial Burner For Your Industrial Machinery

Industrial burners come in all types. Depending on what you expect your industrial burner to burn and in what capacity you expect it to function, you need to get the right burner for your plant's machines. Here are some of the more common burners, how they work, and how to get them installed. 

Oil Burner

A lot of industrial burners are oil burners. Oil is often easy to get, and it works out well for factories that are located too far away from city gas lines. The industrial oil burner will both ignite the oil and keep it continuously pumping through the line so that the machines that rely on this burning fuel can keep working to heat, boil, or melt. The oil burner requires an input line and a emergency shut-off valve in the event that something in the line starts a fire that is out of control, or in case a fire starts in the plant and you want to cut the fuel lines to prevent larger explosions. Your installation technician will show you how to operate this burner and even train the employees that will be working closest to it. 

Propane Burner

Propane burners offer a double benefit for factory machinery. The propane is compressed liquid and very cold, which means it is very difficult to overheat. It also has the added benefit of being used to both freeze and heat. If you have machinery that heats and then cools, or machinery that heats and other machinery that cools, and all of your plant's' machinery needs to burn fuel to accomplish these tasks, the propane burner is the optimal choice. Smaller propane tanks would sit close to the burner as the fuel is pumped out of the fuel tank and into the burner. You may also have much larger reserve tanks of propane on-site, but it would require additional pipelines and more forceful pump systems that your technician would have to return and check regularly to keep everything running smoothly. 

Multiple Fuel Flexibility Burners 

This type of industrial burner is the best one to choose if your plant is switching between fuel types or needs to burn different kinds of fuel at different times. You can set the burner for whatever fuel is currently burning and change it whenever a different fuel is used. Some of these multiple fuel burners can automatically detect and switch themselves, but you will have to discuss the pros and cons of such a burner with your electrician when selecting and purchasing burners for your factory. 

For more information, contact a burner service near you.

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inspecting the safety railings in your business

The railings around your workplace are there to keep you safe. If railings aren't positioned properly or have become weak over the years, they will not do the job that they are meant to. How do you determine that these railings are designed and installed properly? How can you tell if they are structurally sound to perform the safety tasks that they are designed to? My blog is all about safety railings. You will find out how to inspect, repair and alter the railings in your business to ensure that they keep you, your employees, customers and clients safe while in your building.
