Keeping It Safe: Reduce The Chances Of Running Out Of Heated Hoses In Your Industrial Environment

If you are responsible for maintenance and repairs in an industrial environment, you have likely seen various types of hoses. You may see some of them more frequently than others, and you should know that the type of hose needed for certain applications can vary. Using the incorrect type of hose during installations, maintenance, or repairs can cause damage to machinery and could create dangerous situations. This is why substituting a hose to be used for any purpose is a bad idea even if you intend for it to be a temporary fix.

Heated hoses can safely transfer heated liquids and substances. However, you need to select heated hoses that can handle the temperature of the products and substances that will flow through them. In a large or complex industrial operation, there might be different sizes, strengths, and other variables that determine which type of hose needs to be in place. 

Manufacturers generally test hoses to ensure quality and safety. Despite the best practices, decision-makers should always plan for possible mishaps that could occur For example, a recall on defective hoses is not common but possible. Most manufacturers will accommodate this type of mistake, but your business needs to have plans in place to minimize the impact this situation would have on your business. 

Consider planning a spare hose plan for emergencies and inconveniences. Even if there is not an issue with defective hoses and recalls, you might not have an accurate inventory count, which could mean running out of a type of hose. You might also face an issue if the hoses you need to order are out stock. The following points identify the key reasons that implementing a spare hose plan is ideal.

Advanced Preparation 

If you have been in your job capacity for a while, you likely know which hoses are difficult to source and receive in a short time frame. You may know the expected lifespan of these hoses by memory. However, if the hose fails or gets damaged prematurely, you might not be able to perform certain tasks. Having multiple heated hoses available for this situation can minimize downtime and eliminate the possibility of having to wait long periods or pay more for emergency replacements. 

Safety Protocols

Certain liquids may cause hazardous conditions if hoses fail. Cleaning up spillages or securing buildings for safe clean-ups can negatively impact productivity. This process can be more complex if maintenance crews cannot locate replacement hoses to stop contamination or property damage.

Exercise Good Practices

Ensure that everyone responsible for handling machinery containing heated hoses recognizes potential signs of trouble. Have routine hose inspections and ensure proper personal protective equipment is used during servicing. Replace hoses that wear out quickly as a measure of good caution. Do not wait for them to fail. Replace them on schedule.

For more information or to order more hoses, contact a heated hose supplier in your area.

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inspecting the safety railings in your business

The railings around your workplace are there to keep you safe. If railings aren't positioned properly or have become weak over the years, they will not do the job that they are meant to. How do you determine that these railings are designed and installed properly? How can you tell if they are structurally sound to perform the safety tasks that they are designed to? My blog is all about safety railings. You will find out how to inspect, repair and alter the railings in your business to ensure that they keep you, your employees, customers and clients safe while in your building.
