Selecting The Right Fans For Your Industrial Or Manufacturing Environment

Keeping air moving through large areas like a warehouse, manufacturing plant, or other industrial operation is often difficult because many of these buildings have high ceilings and very few doors and windows. Industrial fans are often the best option because they can efficiently move a high volume of air, but choosing the right one for your application is vital. 

Fan Options 

Often selecting industrial fans for your facility depends on the space you have available for them and the amount of air you need to move in the area. The most common fans used in industrial settings are large metal fans with industrial electric motors that spin the blades fast enough to move high volumes of air quickly.

The fans can be mounted on a wall, placed on a stand that allows them to be moved around, mounted to a custom bracket on a machine, or in an environment for specific airflow needs. Often the industrial fans can be installed for you by the vendor, or you can purchase them and have your maintenance team install them where needed.

The size of the fans you need may vary, but most companies selling industrial fans can help you determine the size and airflow based on what you need from the fan. If you are trying to keep air flowing through to keep the temperature under control, several smaller fans may work fine, but if you need to remove smoke, fumes, or dust from a process out of the building, the fans may need to be larger with higher airflow rates, and potentially explosion proof sealed motors.

Dock Fans

Warehouses and loading dock areas often spend a lot of time with the door open as trucks are loaded and unloaded, making it hard to regulate the temperature in the space. Large portable dock fans are commonly used to move massive amounts of air through the dock area. These industrial fans can be as tall as most people, and some have a cooling coil that you can circulate cold water through to add further cooling if needed. 

Ceiling Fans

Industrial ceiling fans are another option for facilities with high ceilings that have open space for the fan to fit into. Industrial fans mounted to the ceiling are typically extremely large, so they move a lot of air from the floor to the ceiling and keep the air moving through the building. 

Several manufacturers even offer ceiling fans with blades measured in feet, not inches, because they are so large. What you use for industrial fans in your building often depends on your needs, the space available to you, and your budget. The options are nearly limitless, so it is essential to take some time to explore the choices before you select the industrial fans for your building. 

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inspecting the safety railings in your business

The railings around your workplace are there to keep you safe. If railings aren't positioned properly or have become weak over the years, they will not do the job that they are meant to. How do you determine that these railings are designed and installed properly? How can you tell if they are structurally sound to perform the safety tasks that they are designed to? My blog is all about safety railings. You will find out how to inspect, repair and alter the railings in your business to ensure that they keep you, your employees, customers and clients safe while in your building.
