Don't Forget These Three Items When Researching Forklift Rentals

Renting a forklift should be easy, and in general, it is. You should know what type of forklift you need, although if your budget doesn't allow you to rent the exact types, you may have to figure out what will be a good substitute. But assuming your budget isn't really stopping you, you'll still have to find out some information about the models to ensure you don't encounter surprises.

Fuel Type

You may already know about the specific model you want, and that model likely comes with one type of fuel source. However, if you're trying to decide between a few models with different fuel sources — you can get forklifts powered by diesel, propane, electricity, and plain gas — think about storage capacity (for storing extra fuel at your worksite) and delivery options. You'll also need to know if the forklift has any chance of being used inside at all as some fuel options like gas and diesel wouldn't be good choices for that.

Maintenance During Long-Term Rentals

If you're renting the forklift for a long time, eventually it will need maintenance. Will you be responsible for that, or will it be included in the rental contract, and a crew will come out to your worksite? If you have to perform the maintenance, how does the rental contract address scratches or minor damage that you might inadvertently cause? And speaking of damage, you'll need to know what the rental contract says about damage and how to get it fixed.

Indoor and Outdoor Use

The forklift you rent may be used indoors only, outdoors only, or both. Not only will this situation determine the type of fuel you'll use, but the type of tires you'll need will differ, too, as the type of tire may determine the model you get (the forklifts are built to handle a particular type of tire, so once you choose a tire, you essentially narrow down the models of forklifts you can choose from). Plus, if you get a forklift that's meant for outdoor use only and try to use it indoors, the weight of the outdoor forklift — it's much heavier than an indoor version — could damage the floors.

It's a really good idea to keep a list of standard questions to ask when renting heavy equipment like forklifts. Keep adding to the list when you think of a question and occasionally go back to see if any questions can be condensed. That will make for a more efficient list, and finding the right forklift will be a lot easier. For more information, contact a company like Duke Rentals.

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inspecting the safety railings in your business

The railings around your workplace are there to keep you safe. If railings aren't positioned properly or have become weak over the years, they will not do the job that they are meant to. How do you determine that these railings are designed and installed properly? How can you tell if they are structurally sound to perform the safety tasks that they are designed to? My blog is all about safety railings. You will find out how to inspect, repair and alter the railings in your business to ensure that they keep you, your employees, customers and clients safe while in your building.
